The Boys

Fiction(ish), Parenting

The sun shone brightly that early summer day as June hung the wash out to dry. Wet fabrics drooped over the edges of the thin white laundry basket and she sang to herself as she hung the baby’s clothes first, the older boys’ next. Tiny outfits, mostly white—a silly color that required extra labor to […]

June 3, 2021

Writers Read . . .


. . . and watch and listen. I’ve always wanted to be a list keeper. Not like grocery lists, to-do lists, checklists — I already do that — more like bird sightings, state parks visited, daily weather reports. Sometimes I would attempt to keep lists, making a good start but abandoning them after a few […]

January 7, 2021

What Have I Created?

Family, Parenting

Whenever I tell my father a cute or amusing story that exemplifies the glorious weirdness of my kids, he always replies with, “Well, you made them like that.” As if that’s an appropriate response. His tone is never complimentary and it implies that there’s something wrong with them. I become protective and also feel frustrated […]

December 10, 2020

As She Lay Dying


I was buying a bed as my grandmother lay dying. A bed and matching nightstands, for Christ’s sake, off of Facebook. The passage of time alters memories, but I remember securing the transaction only a moment before I sensed a change in the rhythm of her breathing — the change that signaled her last breath […]

October 23, 2020

Motorcycle Man


This is a re-telling of a True Story. As a writing exercise, I reimagined a childhood memory from the point of view of someone else who was there. My childhood was fairly normal for the 80s and 90s — barely worthy of an Afterschool Special — but there were a few weird occurrences like this […]

October 9, 2020

Teenagers: Gloriously Weird


Teenagers are gloriously weird. You can’t know what their mood will be from one day to the next, let alone one minute to the next. Yesterday, my 15-year old (The Musician) was “tired” from “school” (yes, those are air quotes) and while he had enough energy to go shopping with me, he didn’t have enough […]

September 30, 2020

Here we go!


I’ve always had a lot of things to say. Apparently, it’s a family trait. My childhood nickname was a mash-up of my name and my great-Aunt’s name because we both talked a lot. It’s been called a lot of negative things, but a nice way to say it is that my family has a long […]

September 29, 2020